Sunday, May 26, 2019


The salty air carried away her thoughts, and she was free......MHXO

Morning Mindfulness

I don't know about you but the mornings for me are like a little slice of heaven

finding silence in a world full for noise is really important for me, as I have found over the last few years with MS I cannot seem to take all the hustle and bustle, crowds of people, and the swathes of noise that comes with it...I find it enclosing and ultimately it makes me anxious 

Looking after our health and wellbeing is a vital component in living with MS symptoms and self care supports our ability to feel calm, to protect from potential stress, anxiety and the general chaos of life

getting outside, the change of air, the stillness, the quietness, they start to work their magic...for me as soon as the sun is coming up, and always with my camera in hand as
there are always unexpected surprises as your senses come into play...the scent of seaweed carried on a whisper of a breeze and the feathered choristers filling the silence with song

be present with how you are feeling inside...don't neglect the signs, you know what they are and you cannot run on empty

Morning mindfulness leaves me feeling positive and resilient with renewed inner strength and with courage to face whatever comes along with the day

sometimes life has a better plan for us and we need to adapt and take that path less have faith and step into the unknown...create space and invest in you...the beauty of each day is that we get to press the reset re-align time and do what feels good
Step 4 on the Overcoming MS Program is Meditation and Mindfulness
find what works for you and put it into practice each day
it's about making life better, seeing the beauty of each day and changing our attitude

life with MS can be something quite magical


Sunday, May 12, 2019

MINDFULNESS tolerant with others and strict with yourself...
~Marcus Aurelius~

meditation means different things to each of us
there are many ways in which to meditate and we all have a method/technique personal to each of us...whether it's five minutes or longer, the aim is about clearing the mind and becoming emotionally calm, reducing stress, anxiety, depression and pain

to be present, fully present in the NOW

for me, my 'picture walks' are my meditation and I like to do these (when schedule allows) early in the morning, ideally upon rising, when the birds are in full swing, the dawn chorus filling the air and the sun, making its way from the horizon to the sky

to find that sense of balance, you need to pause, to not let time pass unseen, to focus on the present, to be present in the NOW

tasting the salt on the breeze, the morning sun kissing all it touches and feeling its warmth on my skin, knowing I'm getting my vitamin D allowance without overheating in the hot sun later in the day

lichen formation in the shape of heart

these picture walks are very healing, being at one with my senses, they make me feel alive again and ready to take on whatever may come...

at the end of my walk I sit and breathe, really feeling the rise and fall of my chest, just resting in the stillness of the morning...breathe, it has the power of peace

till next time